Sunday, June 20, 2010

My side bangs don't work ! suggestions !?

my side bangs wont sweep across my forehead without looking stringy. its been 3 years now and i still haven't found a way to make them work . right now my part looks like this:

when i would like my part to be more like this:


ive tried showering with my hair in a certain part and clipping the part where i want it and putting my hair in a ponytail the way i want it ...and none of those ideas worked . it continues to look stringy and greesy even when ive recently had a shower ! but if i comb my part up and away from my forehead , the stringyness goes away automatically .

any suggestions to make this work ? i REALLY want that side sweep across my forehead !

My side bangs don't work ! suggestions !?

Were they professionally done by a hairdresser, because sometimes in order to make the part stay they usually have to cut your hair into that direction.

My side bangs don't work ! suggestions !?

tell the hairstylest you want your bangs texturized

My side bangs don't work ! suggestions !?

this usually works for me

i blow dry my bangs the opposite way that i want them to go that way theyll swoop better it works really well for me.

My side bangs don't work ! suggestions !?

mine wont work either, if u have a bit of a cowlick, it just doesnt work, i've tryed eveything as well,

good luck!

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