Sunday, June 20, 2010

Should i get my hair cut like this?



which one? both? neither? just tell me yer opinion plz. thanks!!

Should i get my hair cut like this?

the facebook pic requires that you be a facebook user, and the second pic doesnt come up, so hard to say if the third would look good on you.

Should i get my hair cut like this?

Well, you're pic didn't work, but that haircut is NOT a good idea. It'll make you look like a vampire!

Should i get my hair cut like this?

Fine as you are :)

Should i get my hair cut like this?

ashley simpson's haircut looks really cute

i say go for that one !

Should i get my hair cut like this?

Sure its cute

Should i get my hair cut like this?

last pic in the last link is cute!

Should i get my hair cut like this?

2nd link doesn't work...

Should i get my hair cut like this?

Ashley's hair style would look really cute!

Should i get my hair cut like this?

i say neither...u look fine

Should i get my hair cut like this?

well if u look like aslhey simpson then yes other wise no!!

Should i get my hair cut like this?


Should i get my hair cut like this?

second would look pretty good.

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